Rising consumer debt and record high unemployment have left many consumers with the inability to keep up with their bills. Bankruptcy can provide a fresh start for many consumers. But debtors may face consequences after bankruptcy. Apartment rentals Renting an...
Month: December 2020
Important differences between Chapter 13 and Chapter 7
Personal bankruptcy is a legal process that lets individuals get out from under overwhelming debt. It is not an easy process, and there are drawbacks to undertaking the various forms of bankruptcy available to Texas residents. However, for many, bankruptcy offers a...
How dog bites are viewed under Texas law
Dogs are great companions to many Houston families, but not all dogs are trained to be safe. When a dog bites someone and injuries result, the victim may want to seek the recovery of their damages from the dog’s owners. This can involve litigation and involving...
Fatal car accident kills San Benito family
Our city is a great and booming city in the greatest state in the U.S., and we all love living here. However, none of us love the traffic or the amount of vehicles on the road. After all, we live in a booming town, which is also a commercial corridor for goods,...