When the economy struggles, it can be difficult for a Texas resident to stay ahead of their financial obligations. If they lose their job, take a pay cut, or suffer an unexpected emergency like a health crisis or accident, they may feel an extra pressure to make ends...
Month: March 2021
What is proportionate responsibility in Texas?
Getting hurt in a serious accident can leave a victim with long-term health problems and mounting medical bills. When a Texan cannot work and is stuck with the financial hardships of an injury-causing accident, they may quickly feel the economic pressures that...
Mother dies as wheel from another car crashes into windshield
The high speeds used by drivers on Houston’s many freeways and arterial streets often lead to unanticipated events that can cause a serious collision. Some of these accidents are rare, but others are surprisingly common. A truck losing a wheel would intuitively seem...
What is the Texas “means test”?
Most Texans who are contemplating filing a petition with the United States Bankruptcy Court are concerned about keeping their house and discharging as many debts as possible. Many people who are filing a bankruptcy petition for the first time are surprised to learn...